Category: Press Release
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RFP – Comprehensive Plan
The City of Niles, Ohio (City) is seeking proposals for a Comprehensive Plan for the City of Niles. The City intends to select a single consultant to create a comprehensive master plan for the City that incorporates existing and future aspects of the municipality, such as the natural environment, population and demographics, transportation, public utilities, community facilities, community vision, land use, economic development and other aspects critical to the development of a comprehensive plan. The final plan should also contain reasonably attainable long-term planning goals or objectives for the City and a mechanisms for periodic evaluations of the comprehensive plan.
The organization and completion of the work should not be looked at as singular project but an ongoing partnership with the City of Niles to assist developing the City’s long-term future.
Work includes coordination primarily with the City of Niles, and possibly additional county, state or federal agencies. The city has budget limitations that the project must adhere to.
The work will include but not be limited to the following:
Meetings with Various City, County, State or Federal officials
Coordinating with City officials to incorporate existing plans and grant opportunities within the overall comprehensive plan
Creation of Public Surveys for various items within the plan
Attending public meetings and other engagement activities related to the comprehensive plan
Sealed proposals will be received by the City of Niles Auditor’s Office in the City Hall, 34 West State Street, Niles Ohio, until 11:30 a.m. on July 20, 2022, for the following project. Envelopes should be clearly marked Request for Proposals for a Comprehensive Plan for the City of Niles.” Consultants must present their qualifications in a neat and orderly fashion and not exceed five double‐sided pages in length. Cover letter and two page resumes will not be included in page count.
The City of Niles will not consider late submittals.
A narrative that describes the consultant’s specific qualifications and understanding of the services for which the City of Niles is requesting assistance;
A narrative that describes specific challenges associated with the required work and unique solutions available to deliver successful projects;
An example project schedule that depicts the tasks typical of a project classification for which the City of Niles is requesting the consultant’s qualifications;
Information for the key members of the consultant team, including names, capacity, unique capabilities, professional background, technical experience, and two page resumes only, (will not be included in the page count); and A completed and signed Non‐Discrimination Affirmation Form (Attachment A)
A detailed cost estimate of for the creation of a comprehensive plan (will not be included in the page count)
CONSULTANT SELECTION: A selection committee consisting of City of Niles staff will choose, in its opinion, the most qualified consultant to create the comprehensive plan under this procurement action.
Consultants understanding of specific challenges and unique solutions available to deliver successful comprehensive plans. The qualifications of professional personnel to be assigned to the project. Capability to meet time and project budget requirements; Location; Present and projected time available to designate to project.
The City of Niles may decide to select a consultant directly upon review of RFPs received, or it may elect to perform a round of interviews to aid in the determination.
Once a selection is made, the City and selected consultant will negotiate the initial scope of work. Note that scope and fee for individual project task orders will be negotiated individually as projects arise over the on‐call term.
If the City is unable to negotiate a satisfactory contract with the initially selected consultant, it will formally terminate negotiations with that consultant and choose another party to negotiate The City of Niles will continue this process until they reach an agreement or cancel the process.
Direct questions or requests for additional information to:
James J. Taylor, Planner/Grant Coordinator
Subject line should read “Comprehensive Plan Request for Proposal”
330-544-9010 ext. 1601